96-Slice CT Scan
What is MDCT Scan and 96 Slice CT Scan?
A CT scan, short for computed tomography, is a painless and safe diagnostic procedure. It's a non-invasive test that employs a series of X-rays and a computer to generate both cross-sectional and 3D images of your body, including its soft tissues and bones. In certain cases, a contrast agent, known as a dye, may be administered orally, intravenously, or as an enema, depending on the type of CT scan and its purpose. This contrast agent enhances specific features within the images. The duration of the scan can range from a few minutes to half an hour.
When a patient undergoes a CT scan, the circular opening of the scanner rotates and captures X-rays. Each rotation takes approximately one second. While rotating, the radiation beams are utilized to create a detailed image of the patient's body within the circular opening. In single slice CT scanners, only one image is generated with each rotation.
MDCT, or Multidetector Computed Tomography, is also referred to as multislice computed tomography (MSCT). The term "multidetector" indicates the number of CT detectors employed to detect X-rays as they pass through the body. For instance, a 96-slice CT scan machine is equipped with 96 detectors, enabling it to obtain multiple images during a single rotation.